Thursday, December 28, 2006
I just dun understand why are guys and girls so desperate here.
Its just so damm gross,
Is it really cool to get attached?
I'm kind of getting real sick of guys here.
They're so gross and superfical.
Maybe i'll like a girl again!
Or even marry one!!
You never know sometimes! XP
Girls rocks!
They just understand wad you need!!!
Okay, another random entry x)
10:38 AM
The new blogger is so screwed!
Took me so damm long to get here!
Had ogl thingy in sentosa yesterday.
Other than having a little fun there initially,
the rest of the day is just getting bitten by mosquitoes,
and listening to people gossip.
Wasted one damm day of my life.
Some stuff happened on the bus.
Kind of indirectly&unintentionally insulted some people.
Me and my mouth.
Sorry, we are not for the faint-hearted! XP
Had some horrible day!
Dine with buddy.
Loveeeedddd it!
Thanks alot!
Thank goodness you're in ny,
i wonder how i could survive here for so long.
Its must be YOU, Right?!
i woke up damm late.
Lacked of sleep you see
Mich's housed!
I was three hours late!
Sorry martin!!
Once again he and his KIND-NA shit.
Hilarious man!
Went down to j8 to get some stationery.
Met my mum for dinner.
Saw tanny.
HA! She's going to sell me her guys clothes!
thanks! Save me all my shopping.
Shopping is so waste time.
But i love the feeling of getting new stuff!
Didnt get to wear my GERMANY today!
Its okay!
Saturday then!
I've gotta finish all my hw in 5 days.
Wish me luck!
Oh! and the newbie in tt are in my og group!
Hope that its going to be a fun orientation!!!!!
I miss tt!
It makes me feel STRONG!
Done with blogging!
You're real cute! But your personallity stinks! Cant you just stop talking and trying to attract attention. Sad to say that girls who like you just go for your looks!! Boo to you!!! Only best to see from far! HA!
9:13 AM
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Okay this is a random entry.
A man had worked the whole night and
he decided to take a nap in his car
When he was sleeping,
a young man knocked on his window asked wad time it was.
Man: Its 8.30
And he went back to sleep.
Ten minutes later, the young man came back knocking on his window
Asking him the same question.
Man, who was already furious said: Its 8.40!
Not wanting the young man to disturb him anymore,
the man wrote a note which reads : I DUNNO THE TIME.
and pasted it on his window.
7 minutes later,
The young man came knocking on his window again.
The man was really angry.
When he wind down the window,
the young man said: The time is 8.47, sir! =)
Riped this off 987fm.
Laughed my heads off!!
Had some ogl workshop today.
There were so many introduction made.
Sometimes i wanna introduce myself like this:
Hey! My name is Weijing!You may call me Jing.I'm a pingponger since primary Two.I was a PL-lite.MI-ed the first three months.NYJC now though.I live in serangoon which is very near school,But somehow, i take forever to get home from school.I seldom take train or bus, i usually walk=)I've got a very bad habit: Buying expensive things when i'm broke.Love using NETS.Love hanging out with my friends, Get irritated with my friends and family very easily even though i love them so muchXPHate the feeling of being awkward.I'm a Pessimist.Has a super optimistic gdgd buddy.We always fight but we love each other so much! XPAnd i've got so many partners!But i only love two, sorry!I'm someone who like so speak my mind.Always hurt people with my words.But i dun bother, those people just take my words too damm serious.I'm never humble, never hardworking, never wanna be nice, love being very Mean&Sarcastic ;)Changes my phone every single year. Hate studying when i'm stress.Yeppy, thats me!Arent i a great person? Ya.Thanks=)HAHAHAHAHA!
6:17 AM
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Went for christmas service today,
Was really touched by the drama.
And i've made peace with myself,
I've peace in my heart.
I'm going to leave everything to my Lord!
I know i've been so sinful these days.
Cant stop thinking of stupid stuff
and blaming Lord for not giving me enough,
i dun want them anymore,
because if it is mine,
you'll give me, right? =)
It was a tough month fighting within myself.
But now, its all over!
Thanks for forgiving me.
I love you, from the bottom if my heart=)
This entry is a gift from me=)
Enjoy christmas everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
8:06 AM
Saturday, December 23, 2006
I wanna be
I wanna be
I wanna be!!!!!
So somebody PLEASE BACK OUT!!!!
6:43 AM
Sunday, December 17, 2006
I wanna blog about yesterday!
Okay so here's wad i did.
Met martin in bishan and we kind of shopped for a little while
Actually we didnt really shop, just walking around talking
And talking about martin,
He Kind-NA keep using: Wan-NA
Even he knows its FUNNY.
HA! Hilarious.
Anws, buddy joined us and brassbrasah-ed to change buddy's rubber
I guess i'm going to change mine too! =)
But this is Kind-NA not the point. HA!
We went down to park mall and slacked till the j1s to j3s came.
Three generations gathering.
It was Kind-NA cool!
Had lots of fun!
The pictures can tell everything! =)

With martin talking on the PHONE!
Three drops! -_-'

Oh! Just trio getting photo-madness!! XP

And here are the Jones!!!
We look so damm happy=))))))

Trio and talkative JUSTIN!
The funniest justin i've ever met!
Had a great night!!! =)
Was suppose to go to church again!
But i missed it, had a hard time sleeping yesterday!
Going to get an oven later!
Carrefour here i come!!!!! =)))))
Hopefully tml buddy is free!
Wanna watch The holiday=/
Next week! =)
1:17 AM
Monday, December 11, 2006
Didnt blog for a few days XP
Alright here it goes!
Saturday! Woke up late
Met evon and jeslyn for a concert in scgs
We had our usual fun
The concert was quite boring intially *Yawks*
But it was better after the interval *smiles*

OH! Jasmine performed too! =))))

Us, yisong and his friends=)
Sang well.
Sunday!Was suppose to go church with mich and bettina
Apparently mich couldnt wake up
So i continue to sleep XP
Sorry bett! =/
So i slacked at home trying to watch finish princess hours
But i just couldnt finish after so many Forwarding!
I love lazying at home, it really helped me forget all the damm irritating stuff in school.
Starawaded at night!
And TeeVee all the way till 1 plus.
Didnt do any homework.
Didnt mug.
Keep eating & sleeping=)
I'm sure a pig
No wonder i'm so FAT!!!!
TODAY!Woke up super early and was ready for training at like 8?
When training is at like 9?
Anyways, SAJC came over to our school for some friendly match!
It was really FRIENDLY
Because we've seen each other for like 4 years of nationals and all?
How can we not remember each other? Ohpls!
Anw, our girls team did real well=)
Our efforts did pay off!!
Though we have conflicts, but this will only make our friendship stronger, doesnt it? *group hug!!*
Lunched with half of the team
And home to FINISH princess hours
After so many years! HA!
Out for dinner with The Hong family,
We managed to get the last CHICKEN in the chicken rice store!
& we couldnt stop laughing at how AUNTIE we were!
I miss PL!
I miss MI!
I miss Partner!
I miss jan!
I miss strawclub!
Thanks partner for the nice msg=)
You know exactly wad i wanted
And i am just me when i'm with you!
Sorry for not being there for you=/
I really hope we can study and have fun tgt! ='(
And one more thing to ADD!
I think Evon goh mei yin should be changed to
Evon goh and die, the giant bully! XP
I'll be just finePretending that i'm notI'm far from lonelyAnd its all that i've gotThe used.
6:12 AM
Friday, December 08, 2006
I'm like damn tired today
Shall just say that
End here =)
5:12 AM
Thursday, December 07, 2006
After much nagging from buddy,
I've decided to blog my third entry!
Went out with mich martin zd AGAIN
Okay, i'll just call us The Click Four (TCF)
Our dearest mich is once again late for like two hours
So three of us decided to look for My diary
Walked taka and we kindof got hungry
So we had lunch at mac and look at Mine and Zd's cup!
The ratio of our height is also like that actually=/

So we met mich and reserved my diary in citylink
Shopped for awhile
And wait forever for 162
Far easted and dinner-ed with TCF,

Love You Guys! =)))))))
Home with zd and a HILARIOUS aunite
Enjoyed my day! =)
7:17 AM
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Lets talk about yesterday
Was suppose to meet wai and agnes to study
But wai didnt wanna go out
So met mich zd & martin=)
We are crazy people man!
We mugged a little
And i think zd is seriously my maths tutor!
He checks my workings and help me solve my problems
HAHAHA! Rocks.
After lunch i was so restless
So we decided to play tennis
And just when we were all ready to play,
& when the rain got better,
Martin and i went to dry the court
And in like 15 mins, it POURED again!

So we were so desperate that we decided to play AGAINST the wall!
Played in the rain after that
We are such crazy people

And we were all drenched

& More crazy pictures=)
Had a great day!
Love you guys! XP
Went to school early today
Lunched and training
Didnt really like training being like that actually
But its okay
I've got used to it
Its no use forcing anw.
TEA with team later
& Home Sweet Home
I'm off watching project runway!
Its nice seeing you from far=)
6:08 AM
Monday, December 04, 2006
Watched Happy Feets with zhengda buddy and hq
In the morning.......
I was so tired!
Was a little late!
Lucky zhengda waited for me=)
He is the most punctual guy i've ever met man! Rocks.
Hq and buddy were late.
The movie was not bad though it was a little boring in the middle
Cabbed to school for training
Training was fun
Finally have the courage to attack actually=)
And i did something Embarrassing AGAIN!
I kind of dropped the box of balls in the middle of the HALL
Its like the second time or something!
I was too embarrassed that i ran away!
Not eveyone knew i dropped it!
Dinner out with the team
And we crapped all the way till like 8plus?
Talked about death and all?
Was a little shaken on my HOME.
Lucky mummy came down to fetch me! Rocks.
Cant wait to meet wai wai and agnes tml!
Going national library to mug=)
Blogging until here! =)
We're so close yet sometimes you're just a stranger to meSigh.
6:40 AM
Sunday, December 03, 2006
It's been REAL long since i've blogged
Shall blow away all the dust first!
Anw, thank you justin for clearing all this mess!
Kind of came back from all the fun
Had my class chalet on the 27th
It was fun actually although not alot of people went
Had our 'night' walks to macs for breakfasts
And i finally cycled! =)
i guess i'm the best cyclist ever!
And my best buddy and i love each other because we collided right in front of the NSguys.
Wounds EVERYWHERE for mua.
We are always so embarrassing. HA!
TableTennis chalet on 29th
Woah! i hardly had my daily 10 hours sleep!
Had some trash talk!
And i was a little emotion, just A little!
Sorry if i freaked anyone out! Oops=P
After all these, i went home for a long day sleep without even eating for the whole day!
Had training the next day
How exhausting! =/
I could hardly concentrate or focus
Went granny's place for dinner
Wonderful and refreshing food as ALWAYS=)
Went for some shopping in vivo with vivian yesterday!
I got a top that i love so much
Watch out peeps!
I think I'm going to wear it everytime i go outX)
Helped viv get her top too!
And we're two happy people leaving vivo!
This shows that vivo ROCKS and you can get EVERYTHING there!
I wonder how people like buddyl Detest that place!
Out for dinner with my family!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY!!!!!I love you so much=)
I'm halfway through princess hours already
Wonder how bel and viv watch finish SO QUICKLY
They only take like THREE DAYS?
I'm so tired!
Shall start my 10hours sleep already!
I forgive & forget!I just cant be as good as some other people. Sorry peeps!
7:07 AM