Saturday, March 31, 2007
I knew all these were happening.
I just hope that it wasnt.
Well, i guess i've gotta face reality.
I wonder why i didnt feel as upset as i was suppose to.
I'm glad i'm strong=)
Hanging on to wad i was suppose to be,
still laughing when i talked to you,
not even showing a sigh of sadness.
11:11 PM
Friday, March 30, 2007
blogging irregularly has became a habit for me.
Anw, didnt blog since 2nd march,
Well, i kindof studied through the march hols with lots of guidance from super PRO people.
Thanks guys=)
We had the tt camp,
Alots of training after block test and my block test results rocks to the core,
As always =p
The A divs started this wed,
Won tp 4-1 and tj 3-2.
Wad a close match, and i really miss mr kim,
Miss the confidence you could give me during rubbersets.
Anw, hope we can get into the NEXT ROUND=)
Both guys and girls teams!
I'm getting to know so many things that i'm not suppose to know
and things that are so bad.
But life goes go, just get over and be done with them=)
Sports carnival tml, but i've gotta go for training instead.
Sorry 0613! =(
Jia you!!!
Class teees are coming up!!!
Shall sleep early an forget all the sad memorises.
Its so hard not liking you.I cant stop deceiving myself, but its the only way, i guess.
8:36 AM
Saturday, March 03, 2007
2 march:
Collected my chinese result.
i've got a D.
D for dumb.
HAHA! Kidding XP
Thanks everyone for the concern,
I'm very fine=)
Love you guys!
Anw, so i went to watch the squash open.
Mich almost won, and i almost got my golden panty.
Had some crazy tabletable play with Buddy, her L friend, derick and tz.
Tz is super super EVIL.
He laughs at everything i do, saying i'm the JOKE.
Thanks alot MY FRIEND.
And there is more!
He always purposely hit the ball so damm fast,
and make everyone go KUKU!
After that crazy&mad game, derick buddy and i went for DINNER at chomps=)
We were so hungry.
So we ordered so many food that we couldnt really finish.
We were so bloated after dinner, so we decided to take a walk to our busstop.
317-ed to mrt station,
And buddy walked me home.
Love buddy=)
Buddy vivan and i met in j8,
down town to shop for our stuff.
I mars bar-ed while buddy chicken rice-d for tea.
Shopped for evon's shoes,
and in anyway, i got myself a pair of shoes,
and yet she didnt even get it!
Hope you get your shoes soon okay?
Hugs buddy!
Vivian got her belt and off we go to get my wonderful bag.
Viv and bud couldn stop laughing when i put those bags on.
Damm. Is it so funny? XP
Bottomline: WE HAD SO MUCH FUN!!
I love you guys!! FAT-hugs!!!! ;)
Met javin and his two friends.
Had a good laugh at one of them! XP
Viv and bud went on shopping while i went down to pasir ris for my family gathering.
It was kind of boring though.
I was like dosing off on that comfortable chair.
Lucky my cousins decided to play cards.
I love the house, it brings me back to the 80s.
The funitures are so nice though its old.
Home with lots of food, as usual=)
Happy Birthday Grandpa!!! Love you-
Woke up in the afternoon, as usual=)
I'm going to mug hard today.
Having 4 tests next week.
2 on the same day.
And i've gotta prepare for the sharing on wed.
But i know i can do it!!
Off to mug!
I like the way things are now=)
8:03 PM
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Just got home from training.
Finally got home in time to watch my 7o'clock show=)
& its the first time ever that i fell asleep while watching tv.
School was fun today.
Had a great time crazying around with girls during pe.
Love them=)
Oh. & i went on stage today.
So did my dream guy=)
But anyhow, thanks xian&eugene.
Making all these going up and demostrate thingy so fun though it was a little screwed.
& training was great today.
The girls were really training seriously after much sharing sessions.
I think we just needed communications=)
PT was fun too!
I really miss buddy's blog!
All thanks to my dearest computer which provides a wonderful & SUPER FAST speed internet connection=)
It NEVER hang
& is always ready for me XP
I'm so tired & i really need to sleep.
Slept so super late yesterday.
I've gotta really discipline myself to sleep early everyday.
I'm going to sleep now(fast& efficient) ;)
Its just so hard to draw a line between all these.I guess i've just gotta get out of this and stop thinking.It'll never ever happen.Cause everybody tries to put some love along the line& everybody feels the broken heart sometimesEven when i'm scared, i've try to fly.Sometimes i fall but i've seen it done before.I've gotta step outside these walls=)
5:59 AM
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Its been really really long since i've blogged.
I'm so bad at committing myself into something XP
I've been Schooling, Training, OG21-ing, Chingay-ing, CNY-ed, Valentin-ed, Buddy birthday-ed, 0613-ing and much much more.
Making more weird yet nice friends,
Some are REAL tall,
way quiet,
shy to the max,
real CRAZY,
& a little too serious=)
Well, i've been really slacking so much this few days,
failing some tests that i shouldnt while passing some tests that i wouldnt.
And i cant help but to relax.
I mean, why stress yourself up in the beginning of the year?
Well, i've learnt my lesson, the hard way=)
Yepp! And my dear Sandra, i didnt forget you!!
I just stopped blogging for awhile=)
Why didnt you turn up for buddy's birthday celebrate?
Really miss you!
Lets meet up soon yea?
Oh ya! And i've learnt how to mahjong recently!
Its really a great game to play when you need to kill time&
at the same time make your mind start thinking! =)
Yepp, just being random;)
I'm going up on stage tml=S
Just to demostrate some tt strokes.
I'm kind of worried though, i dun wanna embarrass myself,
its my NewYear resolution not to embarrass myself in front of the public.
Hope i can live up to it*crossfingers*
Yepp! And so many things are happening lately.
Hang in there people cause the march hols is coming!!!
Be Strong! =_
And well,
Some people should really stop being in their own world and stop being a big walking I.
There are still people around you,
so pls be considerate and for goodness sake, not everything is about you.
So stop being so stubbon.
4:51 AM
Monday, January 01, 2007
HAPPY 2007 EVERYONE!!! =)Spend my counting down at home with my family!
Was actually very happy.
Didnt make it down to meet mich and friends.
Sorry guys!!
So i'm going to spend newyear doing HOMEWORK=)
Woke up in the afternoon today.
Did the og list& some Homework until now.
I hate holiday hw!
Cant the teachers give us a break since we've studied almost through the whole year round already!! BOO!
Was really busying around at home today.
Going mad!
Lucky partner&meimei brought Sam to visit me!
Sam is so damm cute!!!
Will take a picture and show it to everyone if i dare! HA!
We had a little chat.
And i'm back to finish my hw!
Wonder how i can finish them!!
Going to So-you-think-you-can-dance tonight.
Cant wait!
Having the ogl thingy tml
& going to mahjong at mrlow's house!
Cant wait!
Miss PL actually.
Talking about pl,
Went to the new school.
Brought back so much memories!
Took this picture at our 3b2 classroom.
Miss everyone in PL. Sigh.

For more pictures about our new school,
Go to buddy's blog.
Really lazy to load them! XP
Thanks buddy!!!! =)
Off to do my GEOG!
2:30 AM
Thursday, December 28, 2006
I just dun understand why are guys and girls so desperate here.
Its just so damm gross,
Is it really cool to get attached?
I'm kind of getting real sick of guys here.
They're so gross and superfical.
Maybe i'll like a girl again!
Or even marry one!!
You never know sometimes! XP
Girls rocks!
They just understand wad you need!!!
Okay, another random entry x)
10:38 AM
The new blogger is so screwed!
Took me so damm long to get here!
Had ogl thingy in sentosa yesterday.
Other than having a little fun there initially,
the rest of the day is just getting bitten by mosquitoes,
and listening to people gossip.
Wasted one damm day of my life.
Some stuff happened on the bus.
Kind of indirectly&unintentionally insulted some people.
Me and my mouth.
Sorry, we are not for the faint-hearted! XP
Had some horrible day!
Dine with buddy.
Loveeeedddd it!
Thanks alot!
Thank goodness you're in ny,
i wonder how i could survive here for so long.
Its must be YOU, Right?!
i woke up damm late.
Lacked of sleep you see
Mich's housed!
I was three hours late!
Sorry martin!!
Once again he and his KIND-NA shit.
Hilarious man!
Went down to j8 to get some stationery.
Met my mum for dinner.
Saw tanny.
HA! She's going to sell me her guys clothes!
thanks! Save me all my shopping.
Shopping is so waste time.
But i love the feeling of getting new stuff!
Didnt get to wear my GERMANY today!
Its okay!
Saturday then!
I've gotta finish all my hw in 5 days.
Wish me luck!
Oh! and the newbie in tt are in my og group!
Hope that its going to be a fun orientation!!!!!
I miss tt!
It makes me feel STRONG!
Done with blogging!
You're real cute! But your personallity stinks! Cant you just stop talking and trying to attract attention. Sad to say that girls who like you just go for your looks!! Boo to you!!! Only best to see from far! HA!
9:13 AM